Projektis "Tere, Kevad! 2020" osaleb 5837 õpilast ja 363 rühma.

"Tere, Kevad!" kutsub lapsi loodust vaatlema ning tähele panema saabuva kevade märke.

По русски
Summary in English
Vaata ka: "Kevad ärkab!"

Projekti korraldajad:

Tehnilised probleemid:


Ülevaade Osalejad Vaatlused Viktoriin Pildid Loomad Abiks Korraldajad
Ajakava Foorum Tulemused Haikud Fotod Taimed Ajalugu Toetajad

Mäetaguse Põhikool 7

My spring

Spring is very good time,
I play outside every day.
I wear T-shirt colour lime,
And I make up new game.

Grass is green.
Leaves grew on trees.
I am sitting outside and
drink tea.

Ilja Kisseljov

Warm weather is outside,
worm slips on the road.
Little bird sings the songs,
Bitle Buble flying in the sky.

Spring song in the sky,
small bird barns to fly.
Bible play the Bitle name,
Bitle play the Bible name.

Anastasia Kondranina
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