Projektis "Tere, Kevad! 2020" osaleb 5837 õpilast ja 363 rühma.

"Tere, Kevad!" kutsub lapsi loodust vaatlema ning tähele panema saabuva kevade märke.

По русски
Summary in English
Vaata ka: "Kevad ärkab!"

Projekti korraldajad:

Tehnilised probleemid:


Christopher S.
Tallinna Tehnikagümnaasium 4a
Ülevaade Osalejad Vaatlused Viktoriin Pildid Loomad Abiks Korraldajad
Ajakava Foorum Tulemused Haikud Fotod Taimed Ajalugu Toetajad

Mäetaguse Põhikool 7


The spring is around the corner
the climate i getting warmer
the trees are shaking
and the plants are waking

The ground is getting green
the animals have been seen
the birds are arriving
and the spring is surprising

Andero Trel

The spring is around the corner
the climate is getting warmer
the trees are shaking
and the plants are waking

The ground is getting green
the animals have been seen
the birds are arriving
and the spring is surprising

Andero Trel
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