Projektis "Tere, Kevad! 2007" osaleb 4837 õpilast ja 298 rühma.

"Tere, Kevad!" kutsub lapsi loodust vaatlema ning tähele panema saabuva kevade märke.

По русски
Summary in English
Vaata ka: "Kevad ärkab!"

Projekti korraldajad:

Tehnilised probleemid:


"Linnud lendavad"
Mattias Liik Ikl
Kärdla Ühisgümnaasium 2
Ülevaade Osalejad Vaatlused Viktoriin Pildid Loomad Abiks Korraldajad
Ajakava Foorum Tulemused Haikud Fotod Taimed Ajalugu Toetajad

Kuldre Kool

Spring is nice and warm
Everywhere birds and bees
Nice time of a year

All flowers sprouting
The trees are getting green leaves
Snow is there no more

Snow has been melted
By the big yellow sunshine
Now it waters weed

Kert Mõttus
Spring is coming fast
I can feel it in the air
Sun is warming me

Birds and butterflies
Flying low and flying high
In the deep blue sky

Flowers are blooming
Birds are singing on the trees
Spring is coming now

Hello, Spring! I say
Nice to see you once again
I just missed you so

Kadri Kaur
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